Trumps Kabinettstreffen der Lobhudeleien Witzelnder CIA-Boss, unterwürfiger Stabschef

Beim ersten Kabinettstreffen mit allen Ministern und Beauftragten seit Regierungsantritt, hat US-Präsident Donald Trump alle Anwesenden zur Lobhudelei gebeten. Eine Mitschrift des denkwürdigen Treffens.

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Normalerweise müssen die Medien nach wenigen Sätzen des Präsidenten den Saal verlassen. Am Montag gewährte Präsident Donald Trump etliche extra Minuten – in denen alle Kabinettsmitglieder einzeln seine Arbeit priesen. Quelle: AP

Donald Trump, US-Präsident

We have a phenomenal team of people a great group of talent and we are really now seeing the early fruits of their labor. Some of them won't be able to kick in because statutorily you have to wait periods of time before you're allowed to do the fight. We'll be having some major legislation very soon on the dumping of steel in our country which is absolutely killing our workers and our steel companies. We're going to be having some very major legislation on the dumping of aluminum and various other things into our country which is killing our workers and we'll be announcing that very soon. So I think what we'll do - most of you know most of the people around the room but I'm going to start with our Vice President - where is our Vice President, oh, there he is - and now maybe start with Mike and we'll just go around and you just name your position and then ask these folks to go back and have a good day and we're going to discuss our various reports. Mike.

Mike Pence, Vizepräsident

Thank you, Mr. President. It’s just the greatest privilege of my life is to serve as the – as Vice President to the President who is keeping his word to the American people and assembling a team that's bringing, real change, real prosperity real strength back to our nation.

Donald Trump

Thank you, Mike.

Jeff Sessions, Justizminister

Mr. Preisdent, it's great to be here and celebrate this group. We are receiving as you know - I'm not sure the rest of you fully understand - the support with law enforcement all over America ... they have been very frustrated they are so thrilled that we have a new idea that we're going to support them and work together to properly lawfully fighting the rising crime that we're seeing. It's an honor to be able to serve you in that regard you set the exact right message and this being responded, the response is fabulous around the country.

Donald Trump

Great success, including MS-13 [eine südamerikanische Bande, Anm. d. Red.]. They're being thrown out in record numbers and rapidly and they're being depleted. They'll all be gone pretty soon for something. You're right Jeff, thank you very much. Alex ...

Alexander Acosta, Arbeitsminister

Mr. President I am privileged to be here deeply honored and I want to thank you for keeping your commitment to the American workers. This week is a full schedule for you focusing on the American worker. We're very excited at the Department of Labor. And the apprenticeship program that they're going to be announcing - I think is going to make a real difference, so thank you.

Donald Trump

Thank you. Congratulations.

Alexander Costa

Thank you.

Rick Perry, Energieminister

Mr. President, honored to be on the team. This last week I had the great privilege to represent America at China at the green energy ministerium. Good timing. They needed to hear why America was stepping away from the Paris Accord and they did; and that America is not stepping back but we're stepping into place and sending some messages that we're still going to be leaders in the world when it comes to the climate. But we're not going to be held hostage to some executive order that was ill-thought-out. So my hats off to you for taking that stand and sending a clear message around the world that America is going to continue to lead in the area of energy.

Donald Trump

Thank you.

Nikki Haley, US-Botschafterin bei den Vereinten Nationen

Thank you Mr. Preisdent. It's a new day at the United Nations. You know, we now have a very strong voice. People know what the United States is for, they know what we're against and they see us leading across the board. And so I think the international community knows we're back.

Donald Trump

Thank you.

Mick Mulvaney, Direktor des Haushaltsbüros (Office of Management and Budget)

Mr. President, thank you for the kind words about the budget. You're actually right, we are going to be able to take care of the people who really need it. At the same time with your direction we were able to also focus on the forgotten men and women who are the folks who are paying those taxes. I appreciate your support (unverständlich) direction in pulling that budget together.

Scott Pruitt, Chef der Umweltbehörde EPA

Good morning, Mr. President. It's good to be back to the United States. I actually arrived back this morning at 1:00 o'clock from Italy and the G-7 summit focused on the environment. And our message there was the United States is going to be focused on growth and protecting the environment. And it was received well.

Donald Trump

Good job.

Dan Coats, Director of National Intelligence

Good morning, Mr. president. The intelligence community has never faced such a diversity of threats to our country in our lifetimes. We have men and women who are working 24/7 seven days a week to make sure that we are on top of all these threats. It's s joy to be working with the people that I have inherited and we are going to provide you with the very best intelligence we can and formulate policies to deal with these issues.

Betty DeVos, Bildungsministerin

It's a privilege to serve, to serve the students of this country, and to work to ensure that every child has an equal opportunity to get a great education, and therefore a great future.

Tom Price, Gesundheitsminister

Mr. President, what an incredible honor it is to lead the Department of Health and Human Services at this pivotal time under your leadership. I can't thank you enough for the privileges you've given me and the leadership that you've shown. It seems like there's an international flair to the messages that are being delivered. I had the opportunity to represent the United States at the G-20 Health Summit in Berlin and at the World Health Assembly in Geneva. And I can't tell you how excited and enthusiastic folks are about the United States leadership as it relates to global health security.

Ryan Zinke, Innenminister

Mr. President, as your SEAL on your staff ... it's an honor to be your steward of our public lands and the generator of energy dominance. I am deeply honored. I am committed and optimistic we can be both great stewards and be the world's largest producer of energy.

Donald Trump

And you can do both. Thank you very much.

Rex Tillerson, Außenminister

Mr. President, it's a great honor to serve the country. It’s a great privilege given to me. Clearly we are engaged with our allies to ensure that they know or our common interests lie, what our expectations are, that America will continue to be a leader. But they must do more and they must meet their obligations both from a national security standpoint but also from created conditions of stability, prosperity. And for our adversaries: We are engaging and will engage but they have to know that we will be engaging from a position of strength to protect America's national interest and we expect to make progress or resolving some of these differences.

James Mattis, Verteidigungsminister

Mr. President, it's an honor to represent the men and women of the Department of Defense. And we are grateful for the sacrifices our people are making in order to strengthen our military so our diplomats always negotiate from a position of strength.

Donald Trump

Thank you.

Wilbur Ross, Handelsminister

Mr. President, thank you for the opportunity to help fix the trade deficit and other things. The other countries are gradually getting used to the fact that the free rides are somewhat over with. They're not happy with this, but I think (unverständlich) growing recognition of that. It’s a thrill to have a chance to help you to live up to your campaign promises.

Elaine Chao, Verkehrsministerin

Mr. President, last week was a great week, it was infrastructure week. Thank you so much for coming over to the Department of Transportation. Hundreds and hundreds of people were just so thrilled, hanging out, watching the whole ceremony. I want to thank you for getting this country moving again and also working again.

Donald Trump

Thank you, thank you very much.

John Kelly, Heimatschutzminister

Mr. President, proud to be here. Certainly very proud to represent a quarter million men and women that served the country in DHS [Department of Homeland Security]. In the five months that I've been at the job, we have gone a long way to facilitate the -- improve the legal movement of people and commerce across our borders, yet at the same time, we have gone a long way to safeguarding our borders, particularly the southern border, working with all of our partners to the south. 70 percent drop in illegal immigration while we still welcome legal immigrants to the tune of over a million a year we are no longer a friendly environment for illegal border crossers.

Donald Trump

Thank you.

Robert Lighthizer, Handelsbeauftrager

First of all, I apologize for being late to work. I got bogged down in that swamp that you've been trying to drain. I also have traveled, I just got back from Paris where we met with the OECD and the WTO both and the message was similar to (unverständlich) it was deficits do matter and are coming down.

Linda McMahon, Beauftragte für kleine Unternehmen (SBA)

Good morning, Mr. President. Thank you for the opportunity to serve at SBA. And I can tell you that – as I haven't been traveling internationally – but I've been traveling around the country and what I'm continuing to hear is this renewed optimism from small businesses, higher than it's been in about 16 years, so those people return into the workforce a lot of because small businesses are creating new jobs. So loan portfolios are up mentoring and our outreach groups score and other programs are being so successful. So thank you, we're on a good trajectory and still a lot of work to do.

Reince Priebus, Stabschef im Weißen Haus

On behalf of the entire senior staff around you, Mr. President, we thank you for the opportunity and the blessing that you've given us to serve your agenda and the American people and we'll be continuing to work very hard every day to accomplish those goals.

Mike Pompeo, Chef des Geheimdienstes CIA

Mr. President, it's an honor to serve as your CIA director. It's an incredible privilege to lead the men and women who are providing intelligence so that we can do the national security mission. And in the finest traditions of the CIA, I'm not going to share a damn thing in front of the media. [Gelächter]

David Shulkin, Minister für Angelegenheiten der Veteranen

Mr. President, thank you for your support committee to honor my responsibility to America's veterans. I know that this is personally very important to you. I have the great honor of being able to represent the 21 million American veterans that have done such great things for this country and I work every day to make sure that we're honoring that responsibility, thank you.

Ben Carson, Bauminister

Mr. President, its been a great honor to -- to work with you. Thank you for your strong support of HUD [Bauministerium] and for all the others around this table that I've worked with. We're making tremendous progress converting to a business model, already seeing tremendous savings there. And this month is national homeowners month and therefore I will be ringing the bell on Wall Street at four o'clock which means I have to leave at 12, thanks. [Gelächter]

Sonny Perdue, Landwirtschaftsminister

Good morning, Mr. President. While we're bragging about international travel – I just got back from Mississippi [Gelächter]. And I want to congratulate you on the men and women you placed around this table. But the holistic team of working for America is making results in each and every area working with secretary Ross and ambassador Lighthizer and secretary Mnuchin and Tom Price and Scott Pruitt. This is a team you've assembled, it's working hand in glove with -- for the men and women of America, and I want to -- I want to thank you for that. These are great team members and we're on your team.

Donald Trump

Thank you, Sir.

Steve Mnuchin, Finanzminister

Thank you, Mr. President. It was a great honor traveling with you around the country for the last year and an even greater honor to be here serving on your Cabinet. On behalf of everybody at the Treasury [Finanzministerium], I can assure you we are focused on creating sustained economic growth, sweeping tax reform and fighting terrorism with sanctions and all of the programs within our control.

Donald Trump

Thank you, very good. Thank you all very much.

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